M.A., M.D., M.R.C.Psych., D.P.M.
Psychologist Consultant Psychiatrist/ Director, Jervis Street
Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre
Jervis Street Hospital Dublin 1
The late I.HART
B.A., H.Dip.Ed., M.A., Ph.D.
Formerly Consultant Psychologist, Jervis Street Drug Advisory
and Treatment Centre and Research Officer at the Economic &
Social Research Institute.
drug abuse in Ireland is a problem which demands our concern is
highlighted by the Reports of the Government Working Party (1971),
the Churches Working Party (1972) and the Committee on Drug Education
(1974). This paper is the first in a series of three which addresses
itself to the problem. These three papers are based on a study
of a cohort of Irish drug abusers. This, the first paper in the
series, focuses on the social background of the subjects. The
second paper will deal with their psychological characteristics.
In the third paper a psycho-social typology of drug abusers will
be presented.
subjects for the present study were a cohort of 100 drug abusers
who attended a drug advisory and treatment center attached to
a large general hospital in central Dublin. All subjects included
in the investigation attended this center for the first time between,
"drug abuser," is used to denote an individual who as
a result of taking psycho-active drugs has suffered either medical,
psychological or social omplications. Thus, drug addicts or drug
dependent individuals constitute only one portion of the cohort
under investigation. Subjects for the study were referred to the
clinic by their general ractitioners, their parents, their schools,
or the courts. However, many were self referred. A detailed interview
schedule was employed to collect data on the demographic, familial,
educational, occupational, legal and drug abusive history of subjects.
On the basis of this data the following trends relating to the
social backgrounds of drug abusers were established.
of the cohort was male. The age of subjects ranged from 16 to
50 years, with a mean of 24 years, seven months. 73% were under
26 years of age at the time of interview. This tendency for young
males to dominate that section of the drug abusing population
which approaches treatment centres has been noted by previous
investigators in Ireland and abroad (Kelly and Sammon, 1975; Stimson,
1973; Cushman, 1974). The youthfulness of the cohort explains
the fact that only 21% of subjects were married.
Socio-economic status |
Group |
Drug Abusers |
Normal Population |
1 |
Professional |
5 |
7 |
2 |
/ Managerial |
11 |
9 |
3 |
/ Supervisory |
10 |
7 |
4 |
(L)** |
23 |
3 |
5 |
Non-manual / routine |
23 |
19 |
Skilled* |
3 |
27 |
6 |
Semi-skilled |
8 |
14 |
7 |
Unskilled |
17 |
14 |
* Combining 1,2,3,4,5(a),6,7/5 (b): Chi2 = 20.6, df = 1, p<.001
**Combining 1,2,3,4,5(a),5(b),6,7/4: Chi2 = 15.86, df = 1, p<.001
Subjects were classed along the S.E.S. continuum in accordance
with McGreil's (1973) Irish adaptation of the Hall and Jones Scale
of Occupational Prestige. Assignment to a particular socio-economic
group was, where possible, based on the subject's current or previous
occupation if presently unemployed. If subjects had never worked,
then allocation was made on the basis of their parents' occupation,
or that of their spouse. Drug abusers were present in every socio-economic
group. There was an overall significant relationship (p<.001)
between S.E.S. and drug abuse.
This was due to the low frequency of drug abusers
among the killed workers group, and the high frequency of drug
abusers in the lower level supervisory group as compared with
the normal population statistics (Census of Population of Ireland,
1971, Vol. IV).
This increased probability of drug abuse occurring
among the lower middle class has not been reported in this country
before. Previous investigations have found drug abusers to be
over-represented in the working classes, i.e. the skilled, semi-skilled
and unskilled groups (Carney et al., 1972; Kelly and Sammon, 1975).
This finding may represent either an increased level of drug abuse
among the lower middle classes or an increase in the proportion
of lower middle class drug abusers who are now prepared to seek
Family Structure
The average number of children in a drug abuser's
family was 5.6. This figure is markedly larger than the national
average of 3.5 (Census of Population of Ireland, 1971, Vol. X).
The cohort was also characterised by a high level of familial
problems. In all, 78% of subjects reported some form of familial
inadequacy and these are presented in Table 2. Previous investigations
into drug abuse in Ireland have reported above average family
size (Carney et al., 1972) and familial inadequacy (Kelly an Hart,
1979) as contributory factors to, or correlates of, drug abuse.
Braught (1973), in an international review of the literature,
also noted the high frequency of inadequate familial structure
and functioning among drug abusers. He drew no definite conclusion
as to the role of the inadequate family in the development of
drug abusing behaviour, though he did suggest that all types of
inadequate families are characterized by deficient parental models
and implied that this in turn would retard or impair socialization
among children of such families.
The average age for leaving school was 16 years.
70% of subjects had progressed no further than the Intermediate
Certificate.* A high frequency (39%) of regular and prolonged
truancy was also reported. Only six subjects were still at school
or college at the time of interviewing.
Familial Inadequacy |
of inadequacy |
(not exclusive) |
of parent before subject was 16 |
21 |
from parent (for at least 1 year before age of 16) |
44 |
parental relationship |
40 |
alcoholism |
33 |
pyschiatric disorder |
40 |
or erratic disciplinary code |
31 |
Both Kelly and Sammon (1975) and Carney et al. (1972)
note the early age at which Irish drug abusers leave school. The
prevalence of truancy has also been noted by Carney et al. (1972).
Stimson (1973) reports similar distribution of educational attainment
among heroin addicts attending treatment centres in Great Britain.
In the U.S.A., two distinct patterns have emerged. Narcotic addicts
tend to display a low level of educational attainment whereas
abusers of psychedelic drugs tend to be high academic achievers
and to be located mainly in 3rd level educational institutions
(Scher, 1967).
Employment Status and Means of Support
63% of the sample were unemployed at the time of
interview and 47% reported that since they had started taking
drugs they had been employed less or attended school less than
before drug abuse. Thus, in a large proportion of cases drub abuse
may have been a contributing factor to the stunting of educational
and vocational development.
Low employment rates among drug abusers have been
noted previously in Irish investigations (Carney et al., 1972;
Kelly and Sammon, 1975) and also in surveys of British and American
populations (Blumberg et al., 1974; Stimson, 1973; Plair and Jackson,
1970; Schut et al., 1972). The extent of employment varies from
sample to sample. Carney et al. (1972) reported only 10% employment
with his group of 50 Dublin drug abusers whereas Kelly and Sammon
(1975), in a more extensive investigation, found that 58% of their
subjects were employed either part-time or full-time. Estimates
of employment rates within the British and American populations
show similar variability.
How drug abusers support themselves and how they
acquire money with which to buy drugs has not previously been
investigated in Ireland. However, British and American investigators
have identified four major sources of income for the drug abusers,
viz (1) the subjects' savings or earnings; (2) parental
support; (3)
Social Welfare; (4) illegal activities such as prostitution, stealing,
forging cheques or selling drugs (Chambers, 1973; Scher, 1967;
Plair and Jackson, 1970; Stimson, 1973). In the present study,
despite the low level of employment within the cohort, 59% of
subjects supported themselves in part or full on the basis of
their won earnings or savings. 39% relied upon parental support,
37% upon Social Welfare and 27% upon illegal activities. Each
subjects' total income derived from a combination of these four
sources, i.e. the percentages are not exclusive.
Irish drug abusers differ from British and American drug abusers
with regard to means of support in the extent to which they rely
upon their parents for financial assistance. It is estimated that
only between 0.6% and 25% of British and American drug abusers
are supported in part or completely by their parents whereas in
Ireland the figure is far higher (Scher, 1967; Chambers, 1973;
Plair and Jackson, 1970; Stimson, 1973).
Drug Abuse
Over half
of the subjects began drug abuse by taking cannabis and 15% began
by taking minor tranquillisers. However, many subjects started
by experimenting with other drugs (Table 3).
First Drug of Abuse |
Drug |
% |
Cannabis |
55 |
tranquillisers |
15 |
Barbiturates |
5 |
Amphetamines |
5 |
mixtures |
5 |
inhalants |
5 |
L.S.D. |
4 |
Opioids |
3 |
Other |
3 |
Duration of Drug Abuse |
of years |
% |
- 3 |
27 |
- 6 |
33 |
- 9 |
27 |
9 |
13 |
The average
duration of drug abuse at the time of interview was five years
ten months, and the average age at which drug abuse commenced
was 18 years ten months.
48% of subjects
had at least once abused drugs intravenously. The average length
of intravenous drug abuse was three years one month for this subsection
of the cohort.
Pattern of drug abuse in the six
months prior to interview |
of Abuse |
1 |
abuse excluding opioids |
25 |
2 |
abuse including opioids |
21 |
3 |
and L.S.D. |
17 |
4 |
mainly |
17 |
5 |
(with or without minor tranquillisers) |
8 |
6 |
tranquillisers only |
7 |
7 |
Other |
5 |
of drug abuse of subjects are presented in Table 5. The classification
system employed is that developed by Kelly and Hart (1979). Within
this system, Pattern (1) refers to the abuse of two or more drugs,
excluding the opioids, or the abuse of one other drug in addition
to cannabis and L.S.D. Pattern (2) differs from Pattern (1) only
insofar as this type of drug abuser also either occasionally or
regularly takes opioids. The other patterns of drug abuse are
self-explanatory. The majority (63%) of the present cohort were
involved in some form of poly-drug abuse and conformed to what
has been described as a subcultural drug taking pattern (Walizer,
Most subjects (72%) abused drugs on a daily or almost daily basis.
32% had overdosed at least once prior to attendance at the clinic
and a further 27% reported a history of repeated overdose. Quite
a large proportion (40%) of subjects reported that they had a
serious alcohol problem in addition to their other drug problem.
This figure is marginally but not significantly higher than that
reported by Carroll et al. (1977). Having extensively surveyed
the literature, he estimated that about 30% of drug abusers supplement
their illegal drug abuse with a high level of alcohol intake.
A total of
51 drug abusers from the cohort had been convicted. Of these,
16 had been convicted for delinquent behaviour prior to the commencement
of drug abuse.
There was a statistically significant (P<.001) increase in
the proportion of non-drug related non-violent crimes for which
the cohort were convicted after
the commencement of their drug abuse (Table 6). No concomitant
increase in the frequency of convictions for violent crimes was
reported. This remained constant at 6%. 25% of the cohort were
convicted for drug related non-violent crimes after they had begun
abusing drugs.
overall increase in criminality after the onset of drug abuse
was previously reported by Kelly and Sammon (1975) in their study
of Dublin drug abusers. However, the specific types of crime which
contribute to this overall increase had not previously been investigated
in this country. The current results which indicate that drug
related non-violent crimes contribute most to the increase in
criminality subsequent to abuse are in accordance with the findings
of international investigations
(Blum, 1969; Tinkleberg, 1973).
Convictions for criminal offences before and after the
commencement of drug abuse |
of crime |
convicted before drug abuse (not exclusive) |
convicted after drug abuse (not exclusive) |
related non-violent |
13 |
33 |
related violent |
6 |
6 |
related non-violent |
- |
25 |
Levels of
criminal behaviour to which subjects admitted, tended to be higher
than the levels of crime for which they were convicted. In the
six months prior to the interview, 88% of subjects reported some
form of criminal behaviour. 60% of subjects admitted to at least
one non-drug related non-violent criminal act such as stealing,
housebreaking, vandalism, forging cheques or obtaining things
by false pretences. Non-drug related violent criminal activites
were reported by 26% of subjects. Because of the illegality of
drug abuse itself almost the entire sample (86%) admitted to drug
related non-violent criminal behaviour such as being in illegal
possession of drugs, selling drugs or altering a prescription
(Fig.2). The few who did not report drug-related criminal behaviour,
legitimately acquired and abused medically prescribed drugs, or
drugs for which no prescription was needed, such as cough mixtures
or volatile inhalants.
Overall, 5% of the cohort had served a sentence in a juvenile
prison and 25% ad done so in an adult prison. These rates of imprisonment
are considerably lower than those reported by Stimson (1973) for
heroin addicts attending London treatment centers: he reports
39% to have been in juvenile prisons and 28% lower in adult prisons.
They are also markedly lower than imprisonment rates for drug
abusers attending treatment centers in America. Chambers et al.
(1968) noted in all Negro sample that 83% had been imprisoned
prior their attending Lexington Hospital for treatment, and Valliant
(1966) in a stratified Negro and white sample recorded an imprisonment
rate of 92% among narcotic abusers seeking treatment.
From this
survey of selected variables an integrated description of the
social background of the cohort may be established. Overall, the
subjects who participated in this investigation were young unmarried
males aged under 26 years. With the cohort, the lower middle class
was over-represented. Generally, subjects came from inadequate
families of above average size. Most subjects had left school
by the age of 16 years, having passed only their Intermediate
Certificate. While at school, many had truanted. The majority
of subjects were unemployed and relied upon a combination of past
savings, parental support, social welfare and criminal activity
for their income. They showed high levels of non-drug related
non-violent criminal behaviour prior to abuse. Subsequent to abuse,
a significant increase in the number of non-drug related non-violent
convictions occurred. The overall level of violent criminal behaviour
and the number of convictions for violent crimes were comparatively
low. Less than one-third had been convicted as an adult or juvenile
offender. Cannabis was the most common first drug of abuse. The
average subject commenced his drug abuse. The average subject
commenced his drug abuse at about 19 and had been taking drugs
for sic years before his first attendance at the clinic. About
half had abused drugs intravenously. At the time of interview
the majority of subjects could be described as heavy subcultural
poly drug abusers. Most of the cohort had overdosed at least once
and a large proportion had previously been treated for physical
and psychological problems associated with drug abuse. A large
proportion reported that they had an alcohol problem in addition
to their other drug problem.
There are many similarities between
Irish treatment seeking drug abusers and their British and American
counterparts. Perhaps the ways in which these populations differ
is of greatest interest. The present study suggests that Irish
treatment-seeking drug abusers tend to be of higher socio-economic
status, are less likely to have been imprisoned and rely more
on their parents for financial assistance than British or American
drug abusers. A more rigorous investigation of these differences
might prove to be a fruitful one for further research. Furthermore,
since S.E.S. and previous history of imprisonment may be related
to outcome, another possible hypothesis is that Irish subjects
have a more favourable prognosis than British or American drug
This article,
the first in a series of three, examines the social backgrounds
of a cohort of one hundred drug abusers attending a drug advisory
and treatment centre attached to a large general hospital in central
Dublin. A number of important trends were noted. Subjects were
predominantly under 26, unmarried and male. Within the cohort,
the lower middle class was over-represented. Subjects came form
in adequate families of above average size. While at school many
subjects had truanted and most had left school by the age of 16
years. The majority of subjects were unemployed. A significant
increase in non-violent criminal activity was noted after the
commencement of drug abuse. Cannabis was the most common first
drug of abuse, and at the time of interview the majority of subjects
were subcultural poly-drug abusers. High incidences of previous
overdoses and alcohol abuse were also noted. The results of the
present study are discussed in the light of similar British and
American investigations.
This paper reports on a research project which was organized
by the Economic & Social Research Institute in conjunction
with the Jervis Street Drug Advisory and treatment Centre. The
results ser out here have previously been reported in an unpublished
Master's Thesis carried out by the first author under the supervision
of Professor E.F.O'Doherty, U.C.D. We extend out thanks to the
latter for his valuable assistance.
Blum R. (1969). Drugs and Violence. In: Mulvihill D.J., Tumin
M.M. et al. (eds.). Crimes of Violence: A staff report submitted
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Washington D.C.: U.S Government Printing Office, 1461-1523.
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Cushman P.J. (1974). In: Federal Probation, 38: 38-43.
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McGreil M. (1973). College of Industrial Relations.
Plair and Jackson (1970). District of Colombia: Department of
Report of the Committee on Drug Education (1974). Dublin: Stationery
Report of the Working Party on Drug Abuse (1971). Dublin Stationery
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Irish council of Churches/Roman Catholic joint group on social
Scher J.(1967). Intern. J. Addict., 2: 171-190.
Schut J., Wohlmuth T.W. et al. (1972). Paper presented before
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Stimson G.V. (1973). Heroin and Behaviour. Shannon , Ireland:
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Tinkleberg J. (1973). Drugs and Crime. I. Literature Review. Appendix,
Vol. 1: Patterns and consequences of drug use. Washington D.C.:
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Valliant G.E. (1966). Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 15: 599-609.
Walizer D.G. (1975). Internat.J.Addict., 10: 927-936.
Irish Medical
Journal, December 1980, Volume 73, No. 12